DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-2-46-66
The article is devoted to the training of literary translators and development of an education program. This approach required a description of the scientific and methodological foundations, formulation of the educational concept of teaching and didactic principles. The subject of consideration are the concepts translation reading and translation understanding. They characterize the translator’s reading literacy and the student’s meta-skills – future literary translator. The article substantiates the role of theoretical courses, analyzes the role of translations of another culture into the Russian and native languages, ways of forming academic and educational metaknowledge and metacompetences of a translator as a linguocultural, rhetorical, and linguistic personality. The use of taxonomic, textological, comparative- typological methods, discursive (neo-rhetorical) approach has shown the importance of theoretical courses for developing basic and professional student competencies, designing the learning situation as an effective communication, the content and methods of forming translation reading and translation understanding of the text. The communicative approach is used to form the student’s idio-speech behavior, designing speech actions in receptive and productive terms. The use of a neo-rhetorical approach is justified from the standpoint of the formation of students’ skills in interpreting, updating and arguing the text. The disclosure of the concepts of translation reading and translation understanding is carried out on the example of the integration of literary criticism, translation studies, communication theory and rhetoric into the educational process. The fruitfulness of the educational process as inculturation is shown here. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the development of an education program for training literary translators, development of the concepts of translation reading and translation understanding. The didactic foundations of the program are aimed at the synthesis of metacognition and metaskills of the student. The practical significance lies in the approbation of the described syllabus in training literary translators.
Keywords: literary translators, educational program, translation reading, translation understanding
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Information about the authors:
Kuralay B. Urazayeva – Professor, Doctor of Philology,The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan,
Zhanargul Beisembayeva – Assistant Professor, Candidate of Philology,The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan,
Karlygash Abylkhassova – Quantum Stem School, Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan,
For citation: Urazayeva Kuralay B., Beisembayeva Zhanargul, Abulkhassova Karlygash, (2022).
Training of Literary Ttranslators and Development of Education Program.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 46- 66 (in USA)
Manuscript received: 23/02/2022 – Accepted for publication: 28 /03/2022