DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-1-52-64


The article describes quantitative research focused on areas of misunderstanding and conflict in intercultural communication with Russians caused by verbal misinterpretation. Cases of misunderstanding are analyzed to formulate learning objectives and content of a course of intercultural communication in a language program. Two main groups of misunderstanding are formulated: 1) failures to meet a national scale of core values as well as cultural standards of behavior evaluation (scale of expectations); 2) differences in verbal expression of intentions. These differences determine the learning objectives for a language course of intercultural communication: a) acquisition of Russian cultural values and scale of expectations in the areas relevant to everyday and business communication, b) teaching culturally determined parallels of verbal expressions of intentions. The author describes types of learning materials and sequence of work in such course, explains differences in courses for Russian as L2 and Russian for heritage speakers. For the first time this article introduces the language component in teaching intercultural communication; a new concept of “cultural scale of expectations” is introduced. Results of author’s research allow to create a new type of courses of intercultural communication incorporated in language learning.

Keywords: culture, intercultural communication; teaching intercultural communication; language learning; teaching L2; heritage speakers; learning objectives; verbal expression of intentions; intercultural communication in a language classroom; intercultural competence; intercultural language course; cultural core values; intercultural materials; learning objectives; cultural shock; cultural expectations; failure in communication, cultural self-determination, virtual community, immigrant culture


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Information about the author:

Tatiana Y. Akishina (Los Angeles, United States America) – Ph.D. (Linguistics), Prof., Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. Email: Address: 253 Taper Hall, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089

For citation: Akishina Tatiana Y., (2022).

The study of intercultural communication in a Russian language program: the subject and objectives of study. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2022), pp. 52-64 (in USA) Manuscript received: 01/02/2022 – Accepted for publication: 28/03/2022