DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10087

The article describes the features of chronicle writing as one of the main original genres
of the evolving literature of Ancient Russia, in which the chronicle vaults represented a vivid
embodiment of the cultural memory. Following the thesis that the Russian chronicle was
characterized by the absence of expressed authorship, the article asserts the different degree of
the author’s presence in different literary texts, the impossibility of the absence of its creator’s
traces. According to M. M. Bakhtin, the author of a literary text is a subject of aesthetic activity,
a hierarchically organized phenomenon represented as a triad: biographical author – primary
author – secondary author.
The article demonstrates that the typical feature of the Russian Chronicles was the lack
of explicit authorship, and its “anonymity” is similar to that of the ancient architects whose
names are rarely mentioned in the sources. The lack of clearly defined positions of authorship,
the deliberate “monastic” low position of an author’s feelings made the chronicle open to
corrections, editing and inclusion into other sets. “The Primary Chronicle” is the work of the
whole generation of chroniclers, copyists, and editors, which became the first “cultural
monument”; for the first time in the history of Russian culture it combined “folk” traditions and book wisdom.
A chronicle text is always a certain point of view, the author’s worldview reaction to
some events, whether historical or personal: no matter how much the writer tries to be objective, his attitude to the characters, as well as his focus of empathy are embodied in the the work.

Keywords: text, chronicle genre, composition, primary author, secondary author,
biographical author, character, polyphony, dialogic relations

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Information about the author:

Beisembayev Amangeldi R. (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan) – Doctor of Philological
Science, Professor of Innovative University of Eurasia. E-mail:

For citation: Gulsana A. Jakipova, Zhainagul S.Beisenova (2021). A NEW INTELLECTUAL TIDE IN KAZAKH LITERATURE.  Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science  Vol.5, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 6-13 (in USA)