DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-3-71-79


One of the features of the Kazakh language is the maximum differentiation of the lexical meaning, when any phenomenon is recorded, classified; a clear, precise name is given to each object, element of the system. Therefore, in the Kazakh language there are more than a dozen lexemes denoting time periods of the day, dairy products, domestic animals, a person from birth to 60 years, etc. In this paper, using the example of Russian-language journalistic texts of the Kazakh writer, publicist, translator Herold Belger, methods of semantization of the lexical meaning of Kazakh lexemes, which are actively used by the author in all of his essays, are considered. To clarify the meaning of the Kazakh lexeme, H. Belger uses translation, insertion and explanatory constructions, stringing of synonyms, etc., which contributes, according to H. Belger, to a deeper understanding of the Kazakh culture and the characteristics of the Kazakh language.

Keywords: Russian-Kazakh bilingualism, Kazakh inclusions, semantisation (cognomination), publicistic discourse, acquired, language, culture


  1. Belger H. Avtobiograficheskiye eskizy. – Almaty: «Zhibek zholy», 2004. – 118 s.
  2. Belger H. Garmoniya dukha. – Moskva: Russkoye slovo, 2003. – 288 s.
  3. Belger H Tikhiye besedy na shumnykh perekrestkakh. – Almaty: Arys, 2001. –150 s.
  4. Belger H. Zemlya moyey chesti. – Almaty: Dayk-Press, 2004. – 342 s.
  5. Belger H. Avtobiograficheskiye eskizy. – Almaty: «Zhibek zholy», 2004. – 118 s.
  6. Belger H. El’. – Almaty: Ġalym, 2005. – 108 s.
  7. Bakhtikireyeva U.M. Tvorcheskaya bilingval’naya lichnost’: Natsional’nyy russkoyazychnyy pisatel’ i osobennosti yego russkogo khudozhestvennogo teksta. – M.: Triada, 2005. – 190 s.

 Information about the authors:

 Maral B. Amalbekova (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Translation Theory and Practice Department, the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Satpayev Street, 2, maraluspen@mail.ru, 145 published articles, areas: bilingualism, literary translation and analysis, comparative liguistics).

Leysan Kh. Shayakhmetova (Kazan, the Russian Federation) – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Kremlevskaya Str., 18, habirshah@mail.ru, 60 published articles, areas: cultural linguistics, comparative linguistics innovative methods in foreign language teaching).

Zhanargul A. Beisembayeva (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Foreign Languages Theory and Practice Department, the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Satpayev Street, 2, zhannabei@mail.ru, 60 published articles, areas: innovative methods in foreign language teaching, intercultural communication, translation).

 For citation: Amalbekova M.B., Shayakhmetova L.Kh., Beisembayeva Zh.A., (2021). The Role of Bilingualism in Translation (Based on the Russian and Kazakh Languages). Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol.6, Issue 3 (2021), pp. 71-79 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 19/08/2021 – Accepted for publication: 30/09/2021