DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10028


The article deals with the issue of word order problems in Russian and Slovak comparison. The introduction presents the general view of the word order in both languages compared. In the first part the position of a predicate in Russian comparing with Slovak is discussed. In the second part the position of an adverbial modifier is presented and in the third part the attention is focused on the position of an attribute. The fourth part presents the problems connected with the rheme or functional sentence perspective as also compared in Russian and Slovak. In conclusion there is drawn the issue investigated.

Keywords: adverbial modifier, attribute, clause, constituent of a sentence, direct word order, functional sentence perspective, indirect word order (inversion), sentence stress, subject, predicate, word order


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Information about the authorGallo Jan (Nitra, Slovakia)Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Constantine the Philosopher University, Faculty of Arts; Home adress – Ján Gallo, Hollého 8, 949 01, Nitra, Slovenská republika; E-mail:

Acknowledgements: The article is based on the VEGA 1/0067/19 research grant project. Language Reflections of Social Egopresentation and Addressing (Jazykové reflexie sociálnej egoprezentácie a adresácie).

For citation: Jan Gallo, (2019). Some Problems of  Word Order in Russian and Slovak Comparison. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue 1 (2019), pp.6-14 (in USA) 

Manuscript received: 12/02/ 2019

Accepted for publication: 03/17/2019

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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