DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10084

Abstract: The article is intended to the integration of information and communication technologies into the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The author considers the general description of the educational process in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the information environment, its main components and structure. The description of technologies-improving skills language learning is given via smart – assisted language learning – the Internet: e-mails, social nets, messengers, interactive presentations and computer-mediated communication. The article deals with the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the process of integrating classical methodology and modern digital technologies. Author combines the best practices of using technologies-improving skills language in teaching and describes his science view and experience with foreign students of pre-university department of Russian New University.

Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, technologies-improving skills language, smart – assisted language learning, methodology of the Russian language as a foreign one, digital
technologies in teaching the Russian language as a foreign language

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Information about the author: Belousov Denis (Moscow, Russia) – masters student (linguistic science), Russian New University, 105005, Radio str. 22, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

For citation: Belousov Denis N., (2020).
Practice of using educational smart technologies
in teaching Russian as foreign language.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 122-128 (in USA)