DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-2 -28-38


The article is devoted to an actual problem – the connection between the plot and the genre. The aim of the article is to analyze the role of a parable as a precedent text in plot formation. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to identify the factors of genre synthesis; the boundaries of the alienation of the parable from the novel of education; to describe the specifics of the apocryphal text in the context of allegory and ethical views of writers; to consider parable discourse as a part of the mythological poetics of the novel and the structure of the Gothic; to characterize the originality of the interpretation of the Faustian motif of Goethe by O. Wilde; to show the originality of Dostoevsky’s upbringing novel and novel from the standpoint of the author’s and the Gospel parable. The research methodology is based on the application of an axiological approach, as well as methods – receptive, literary reminiscences and typological. The objects of comparison were the novels by O. Wilde “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” and F. Dostoyevsky “Crime and Punishment”. As a result of a comparative analysis, a connection established between the aesthetic and ethical ideas of the writers. The interpretation of the laws of art showed the connection between the category of beauty and the concepts of evil and good, devilish discourse. Duality also became the subject of comparison. As a precedent text in Wilde’s novel, the tragedy of Goethe is shown, in Dostoevsky’s novel – the parable of the prodigal son and the healing of Lazarus. The temptation of power, eternal youth is analyzed as the cause of the hero’s spiritual death in Wilde, and motives of repentance and the hero’s awareness of sin and guilt are considered as ways of spiritual healing. The originality of Dostoevsky is substantiated in the aspect of evolution from the ideal of Sodom to the ideal of Madonna. The emphasis on the motive of forgiveness, the shift towards the concepts of sin and the ideal in the interpretation of beauty are shown as the specificity of Russian realism. The scientific novelty of the work is due to the identification of the factor of genre synthesis in the aspect of the parable and the novel of education, which contributes to the establishment of the national originality and the author’s individuality of writers. The practical value of the results lies in the possibility of using them when reading courses on the history of Russian literature.

Keywords: parable, upbringing novel, apocryphal text, precedent text, Wilde, Dostoevsky


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Information about the authors:

Urazayeva Kuralay Professor of the Department of Russian Philology of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Doctor of Philology, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Scientific interests: history of Russian and Kazakh literature, literary translation studies, non-rhetoric. 
SPIN-код: 4096-8621

Kultanova Zhanara ‒ 1st year doctoral student at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Scientific interests: Kazakh, Russian, and English literature, literary translation, methods and techniques of English teaching.

Baiturina Ulzhan1st year doctoral student of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan Kazakhstan. Scientific interests: Kazakh, Russian and English literature, literary translation studies.

For citation: Urazayeva K.B, Kultanova Zh.M., Baiturina U.K, (2021).

Parable in the Structure of the Novel. O. Wild and F. Dostoevsky. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol.6, Issue 2 (2021), pp. 28-38 (in USA)