DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10051


Laughter culture as a factor in the national identity of Russian postmodernism is a problem that did not become a subject of consideration from the standpoints of buffoonery and foolishness  and their connection with duality. Buffoonery and foolishness as a form of laughter culture make it possible to study the   techniques of creating a postmodern text, reconstruct ways of perception by the reader’s mind, and explore deconstruction as a phenomenon of conditioned politicization. The description of the national identity of Russian literary postmodernism in the aspect of   buffoonery and foolishness shed light on the content and structure of the “cheerful” postmodernism of Abram Tertz.

An analysis of the dualism from the standpoints of buffoonery and foolishness as manifestations of a laughter culture makes it possible to identify their difference and at the same time establish the difference between Russian postmodernism and the western one.

To solve these problems, such research methods as system-structural, semantic, diachronic and synchronous studies of poetics were used. The developed concept is based on the material of A. Tertz’s stories “In the Circus”, “The Court is Coming”, and “Pyents”.

The theoretical significance of the work is to identify the factors of the national specifics of Russian literary postmodernism, as well as the definition of buffoonery and foolishness.

The taken approach allowed establishing the basis of the communicative strategies of the letter grotesque, carnival game, foolishness, “double letter”. The definition of buffoonery and foolishness is carried out in the dichotomy buffoonery and foolishness of fabula and plot. The essence of foolishness is defined as the physiological type of description.

The basis of foolishness is shown in the grotesque concept of the body, the parody of socialist-realist ideology, its ideology, desacralization of Soviet history, foolishness manifests itself as truth-seeking, an allusion to dissent.

The structure of the dualism is due to the intractable contradiction of buffoonery and foolishness.

Keywords: Russian literary postmodernism, “cheerful postmodernism”, national identity, culture of laughter, duality, buffoonery, foolishness, Abram Terz (Sinyavsky)


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Information about Author:

Shomanova Gulnar (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan) – Pavlodar State Pedagogical University (58, Toraygurov street, e-mail: ).


The author is grateful for the advice on the development of the concept and direction of the research to the supervisor – Professor of the Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov, Doctor of Philosophy Urazayeva Kuralay.

For citation: Gulnara Shomanova (2019). Buffoonery and Foolishness in Stories of A. Tertz. Laughter Culture of Russian Postmodernism. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol. 4, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 82-91 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 04/ 20/ 2019

Accepted for publication: 06/07/2019

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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