DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10080
Abstract: This article discusses the lingo-didactic aspects of compiling a bilingual terminological dictionary; the need to create that is to be involved in the teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) in Greek universities, in particular philologists-Russian scholars of future teachers, is obvious today. There are not enough textbooks, reference materials, terminologically elaborated courses based on a methodology of teaching RFL, as well as time to master this discipline, not to mention the weaknesses of the modern methodological school in the field of teaching and educating RFL in Greece.
Teachers leading such kind of courses, and students are in great difficulty. The authors believe that the compilation of a bilingual terminological dictionary on the methodology of teaching RFL for Greek philology students will contribute to solving the aforementioned problems concerning the inclusion and use of new terms in a course on the methodology of teaching RFL during the preparation of teachers and specialists in Greek universities. The importance of identifying and forming new terms in Greek for practical use in process of training is emphasized.
Keywords: Pedagogical terms, specialized terminology dictionaries, the creation of new
terms of teaching, methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language
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Information about the authors:
Kalita Oxana Nikolaevna (Komotini, Greece) – PhD of Pedagogics, Visiting Lecturer, Department of Language, Literature and Civilization of the Black Sea Countries Democritus University.
Akishina Alla Alexandrovna (Moscow, Russia) – Phd of Letters, Professor, Academy of Labor and
Social Relations, Professor.
Tryapelnikov Anatoliy ViktorovichA (Moscow, Russia) – PhD of Pedagogics, Assistant Professor,
Russian Fiendship University.
For citation: Kalita Oxana N., Akishina Alla A., Tryapelnikov Anatoliy V., (2020).
Lingvodidactic Aspects of Compiling a Bilingual Terminological Dictionary on the Methodology of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language to Greek Students Philologists.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 93-102 (in USA)