DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-18-27


This article is devoted to modeling the lexico-semantic field of“winter” in D. Rubina’s novel“Petrushka’s Syndrome”. The classification and study of the elements of the lexico-semantic field were carried out by using the field technique. The analysis of the materials reveal the structure of the investigated field. The Lexico-semantic field of “Winter”, which is one of the elements of the plot structure, plays a key role in the novel, not only conveying the emotions and state of the characters, but also interpreting the mood and images of this novel. The conclusions of this article can become the basis for further research of the novel “Petrushka Syndrome” in other directions and help to understand the creative idea of Dina Rubina.

Keywords: winter, lexico-semantic field, Dina Rubina, Petrushka’s Syndrome


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Information about the author:

Wang Yi-Chun (Taipei, Taiwan) – Ph. D. in literature, Associate professor, Associate professor of Department of Russian Language and Literature, Chinese Culture University.


For citation: Yi-chun Wang, (2022).

Lexico-semantic field of «winter» in D. Rubina’s novel «Petrushka’s syndrome». Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2022), pp. 18- 27(in USA)

Manuscript received: 07/02/2022 – Accepted for publication: 28 /03/2022