DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-2-103-111


The article is devoted to understanding ideation as a philosophical and linguistic category. The use of this category in linguistic research allows to reveal deep processes that specify the vector of language development. The study of the process of ideation showed that ideation should be understood as a mental and linguistic generalization of a substantive understanding of a thing and its distraction from a specific subject, on the one hand. On the other hand, ideation is the formation of imagery that determines а thought and idea of subject, detached from this subject. The article shows the historical periods of development of the Russian language. The first period is the reverse ideation as mentalization and assimilation of Christian symbols and religious formulas that came from the Greek language. The second period is a direct ideation as a way beyond meaningful Greek symbolism of text and the formation on the basis of its cultural rethinking of metonymy and metaphor, which are an idea disconnected from objectivity. These processes have formed the modern semantic system of the Russian language, expanded its semantic field, and continue to participate in the complex processes of creating homonymy and polysemy.

Keywords: ideation, semantic metaphorical and metonymic derivation, semantic word formation


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Information about author:

Nekipelova Irina (Izhevsk, Russia)PhD, Head of the Department «Russian as a Foreign Language», Director of Testing center, M.T. Kalashnikov Izhevsk state technical university. Winner of the “Scientist of the Year 2020” in the category “Humanities: languages and literature” (International Achievements Research Center) (Chicago, USA).
Research fields: history of Russian language, language philosophy, teaching Russian as a foreign language; author of over 130 publications, 5 monographs and textbook «Russian as a foreign language: Step by step».
SPIN-code: 8968-4493. ORCID 0000-0001-8448-3000;
SCOPUS ID 57191414786; SPIN-код: 8968-4493;
Author ID: 394021.

For citation: Nekipelova Irina M., (2021).

Ideation as a Philosophical and Linguistic Category. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol.6, Issue 2 (2021), pp. 103-111 (in USA)