DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2021-10105


An important component of the language policy should be the regulation of names of city trade objects (emporonyms). In modern Russian legislation, the question of advertising has been developed in detail, while the signage is not considered advertising text. Our analysis shows that the signage is one of the varieties of advertising and can be regulated. The paper describes the signs of the advertising text in emporonyms: textuality, perlocutionary, suggestion, etc.

Keywords: onomastics, emporonym, signage, advertising text, pragmatics, perlocutionary, language policy


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Information about the author:

Kadolo Tatyana Alexandrovna (Moscow, Russian Federation) – Candidate of Philology, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian language and intercultural communication of the Moscow State University of Economics and Humanities (107150, Moscow, Losinoostrovskaya street, 49); e-mail: tatyana.kadolo@mail.ru). She has more than 130 publications. Fields of research: linguosemiotics, pragmalinguistics, linguoculturology, cognitive linguistics, psycho- and sociolinguistics, linguodidactics.

For citation: Kadolo T.A., (2021).

Emporonym as a Kind of Advertising Text. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,Vol.6, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 69-76 (in USA).