DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10072

Abstract: The possibility of ambiguous of Chekhov’s story, considered on the basis of the children’s material, reveals an interesting possibility of studying the dual eventfulness – the interpretation of events of the story and plot sense. The subject of the analysis is the author’s communicative intentions and the reader’s receptive expectations. This approach allowed us to describe the mechanism of “escribe” the text by the reader. Study of the objective text and subjective text of the reader allowed to explain the role and impact of events on the appearance of two texts. The author studies the correlation of views – adult and child-as a source of dramatic and comic, narrative functions, and the duality of the reader’s view of the events described. The true content of the event from an ethical point of view is revealed – as children’s search for harmony and coincidence with the world around them.
The author’s guiding volition on the reader, forming markers of implicitness, is proved. It
shows how the plot and semantic integrity of the text is ensured. The dominance of children’s
perception is explained by the unity of the author’s communicative strategy, which is protecting
child from the adult world. Factors of genre transformation of Chekhov’s story are revealed.
Clarification of the concept of a dual eventfulness is associated with the duality of the
interpretation of the event- in the story and plot sense. The mechanism of “escribe” the text by the reader explains the communicative and argumentative integrity of Chekhov’s story.

Keywords: Chekhov, children’s stories, dual eventfulness, event, objective text of the author,
subjective text of the reader, communication strategies, receptive expectation,”escribe” the text

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Information about the authors: Kuralay Urazayeva (Astana, Kazakhstan) – Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,Professor at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, (2, Satpaev street, е-mail: She has published 100 articles. Fields of research: “Methods of teaching
Russian as a foreign language”, “Pedagogy”, “Philology”). Karlygash Abylkhassova (Astana, Kazakhstan) – Master student of Russian language and literature, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, (2, Satpaev street, е-mail: She has published 12 articles. Fields of research: “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Pedagogy”, “Philology”). Gulnar Shomanova (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan) – Senior lecturer of Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, (Mira Street 60, e-mail: She has published 11 articles. Field of research: “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Pedagogy”, “Philology”.

For citation: Urazayeva Kuralay B., Shomanova Gulnar K., Abylkhassova Karlygash S., (2020).
Concept of event in stories by A.P. Chekhov and how reader «escribe» the text.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol. 5, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 21-31 (in USA)