DOI: 1024411/2470-1262-2020-100074
Abstract: The article deals with the issue of effectiveness of school learning from the viewpoint of cognitive processes. The concept of cognitive effectiveness of learning is considered. The
phenomena of cognitive inefficiency of school learning are analyzed. The phenomena are:
non-preservation of educational knowledge in long-term memory, inability to concentrate on
homogeneous educational material for the required period of time, insufficient formation of
the competence of reading comprehension. The possible impact of digitalization and gadgetization on these phenomena is marked. The factors that positively and negatively affect
the cognitive effectiveness of learning are analyzed. It is concluded that the problem of cognitive efficiency of learning is complex and requires scientific attention, analysis and research.
Keywords: cognitive effectiveness of school learning; cognitive factors of learning; non-preservation of educational information in long-term memory; loss of concentration; attention
problems in school; reading comprehension problem
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Information about the authors:
Sergey P. Elshansky (Moscow, Russia) — Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the
Department of Psychology of Labor and Psychological Counseling, Moscow State
Pedagogical University (Moscow, Russia) (6 Maly Sukharevsky lane, Moscow, 127051,
Russian Federation), E-mail: Published scientific works — more than 200
(pedagogical psychology, cognitive psychology, clinical psychology).
Elena B. Puchkova (Moscow, Russia) — Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the
Department of Psychology of Labor and Psychological Counseling, Moscow State
Pedagogical University (Moscow, Russia) (6 Maly Sukharevsky lane, Moscow, 127051,
Russian Federation), E-mail: Published scientific works — more than
50 (pedagogical psychology, cognitive psychology, general psychology).
For citation: Elshansky Sergey P., Pushkova Elena B., (2020).
Cognitive Effectiveness of School Learning.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 32-43 (in USA)