DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10094
«Learning Russian in Atyrau» is the name of the book represented for your attention.Our aim is to help to those who would like to learn the Russian language and be able to use appropriate words and phrases in specific situations.The main goals of teaching Russian as a foreign language are as follows:
- Develop phonetic skills.
- Develop the ability of carrying emotionally colored dialogues on the level of informal and business communication, as well as making utterances on a studied topic.
- Master basic grammar.
- Develop reading, writing and talking skills in Russian, etc.The book contains the Russian alphabet, international words, frequently used words and phrases, dialogues and various exercises to reinforce the material studied, texts for reading, tests, Russian poems and songs.These materials are based on years of experience of the author. It provides an opportunity to learn the Russian language spoken in a short time. The course is designed for foreigners, who are working in Kazakhstan.This article examines the experience of creating a teaching-methodical book based on material recommended to foreign employees of oil companies who study Russian in a short time in Kazakhstan, in Atyrau. The approach to teaching Russian as a foreign language according to this book is based on the idea of Russian as a triune essence: language-speech-communication. This book is characterized by a communicative orientation and realizes the aim: to teach foreign students to speak Russian, understand Russian speech, participate in dialogue within the language and speech material given in the book, build small statements on a specific topic. The structural organization of the book and its content are considered.
Keywords: alphabet, phonetics, stress, lexicology, grammar, listening, writing, reading, speaking
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Information about the author:
Saniya Kamelova (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) – The member of Kazakhstan Association of lecturers of Russian language and literature, PhD, Professor, Department of Philology, Atyrau State University named of Kh. Dosmukhamedov, Studencheskaya,112, Atyrau, Kazakhstan, 090002, e-mail:
For citation: Kamelova Saniya, (2020). About the Teaching-Methodological Book «Learning Russian in Atyrau» As a Genre of Educational Literature. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science Vol. 5, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 97-110 (in USA)