DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10049


The article deals with the specifics of one of the most frequent words of everyday Russian discourse – the word NET, which is able to functioning in oral speech as a particle (negative, intensifying, interrogative), and as a non-particle (predicative, non-divisible word-sentence, equivalent of the word, word combination or the whole sentence with the negation, when opposed), and also forms the stable constructions-collocations of type NET Gen / Gen NET (net sil / sil net, net problem) or P (aut) NET? (Id’оsh’ ili net? Ponyal – net?). This word no doubt requires the separate lexicographical “portrayal”, important in various theoretical and applied purposes.

Keywords: colloquial everyday speech, speech corpus, collocation, lexicographical “portrayal”


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Information about the author:

Bogdanova-Beglarian Natalia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) – Prof. PhDr. Faculty of Russian, Saint-Petersburg State University, address: Universiteskaya nab. 7-9, Saint-Petersburg 199034, Russia.

E-mail: n.bogdanova@spbu.ru

Cui Lili (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) – Postgraduate. Faculty of Russian, Saint-Petersburg State University, address: Universiteskaya nab. 7-9, Saint-Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: lilicui@mail.ru


The article was partially prepared with the financial support of the RFBR grant “Diagnostic signs of sociolinguistic variability of everyday Russian speech (by the material of the sound corpus)” (№ 17-29-09175).

Статья частично подготовлена при финансовой поддержке гранта РФФИ «Диагностические признаки социолингвистической вариативности повседневной русской речи (на материале звукового корпуса)» (№ 17-29-09175).

For citation: Bogdanova-Beglarian Natalia, Cui Lili, (2019). Word NET (No) in Mirror of Colloquialism: about Functioning in Spoken Language of one of Most Frequent Words of  Everyday Russian Discourse. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol 4, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 66-71 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 04/15/ 2019

Accepted for publication: 06/17/2019

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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