DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-3 -78-83
This article deals with the problem of value orientations as elements of moral consciousness, it also says that value orientation is a basic element of moral consciousness that provides a general direction for the behavior of individuals, a socially significant choice of goals, values, ways of regulating behavior, its forms and style. Values and value orientations, being the core of public moral consciousness, around which both elements of the theoretical and everyday levels are united, play an integrative role in the organization of the entire system. Moral consciousness is represented by two levels: everyday and theoretical, the boundaries between which are mobile, so that individual structural elements (norms, assessments, concepts) can function at both levels. More stable structural elements of ordinary moral consciousness are customs and traditions, and theoretical ones are ideals. Values and value orientations act as an integrative principle that unites all elements together.
Keywords: value orientations, moral consciousness, morality, information, personality, individual, element, traditions, subject, motive
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For citation: Akmataliev Asanbek T., Sharipova Erkaiym K., Ergeshov Abdisatar Ys., (2022).
Value Orientations as Elements Moral Consciousness.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2022), pp. 78-83 (in USA)
Manuscript received: 13/10/2022
Accepted for publication: 20 /11/2022