DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-2-74-82
Abstract: The article is aimed at describing the phonetic, intonation, spelling, lexico-semantic and grammatical errors of Korean students that occur in the process of learning Russian. For the study, the comparison of Russian as the language being studied and the native speaker’s language was conducted. Russian speakers, for example, tend to ignore the correct pronunciation of certain vowels and consonants in the Russian language, which do not exist in the Korean language, and underestimate the role of stress as one of the most important factors of the Russian phonetic system. The present study compares the differences in pronunciation features between Russian and Korean, which affect the frequent errors among Korean students. In the case of teaching Russian outside the language environment, it’s more difficult to correct lexico-semantic and syntactic errors of students than phonetic and morphological errors because of the filter of the native language. If a student is exposed to the Russian language dominant environment, pronunciation and intonation mistakes are corrected naturally in the process of comprehensive communication with native speakers. Thus, the study attempts to describe the difficulties of learning Russian as a foreign language to a Korean student audience. A comparison of phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar of Russian and Korean languages is given in examples. Recommendations of theoretical and practical significance for learning Russian will be discussed.
Keywords: Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL), Korean Language, Comparative Study of L For citation: Hak-Soo Yoo, (2023).
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Information about Author:
Yoo, Hak Soo (Аsan, Republic of Korea) – PhD. in Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Language of the Sunmoon University, Director of Institute of Eurasian Languages and Culture. Research fields: Contemporary Russian language, teaching Russian as a foreign language, Translation Studies; author of more than 40 publications, 26 monographs and textbooks.
For citation: Hak-Soo Yoo, (2023).
Typical Mistakes of Korean Students to Learn Russian:
Focusing on the Initial and Secondary Stages of Training.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,
Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 74-82 (in USA)
Manuscript received 05/06/2023
Accepted for publication: 08/07/2023
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