DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-2-94-102


This article focuses on the quality of translation of the language means used to construct an urban linguistic landscape and explores how it may influence the process of creating a positive image of the territory. This positive image becomes a key factor which makes a territory attractive for the tourists and boosts its economic and social development. The author uses an ecolinguistic approach that allows discussing an issue of creating an image of the territory in a close interdependence with the concept of the linguistic landscape. The research focuses on the interconnection of the linguistic landscape and the image of the territory, explores different pint of views concerning the image of the territory, and concentrates on the translation quality. The author discusses the results of the analysis of Omsk toponyms translated into English and located on different signs, screens and other objects of the urban landscape. In the conclusion, the author defines how translation quality and the nature of urban linguistic landscape construction influence the mirror image of the territory.

Keywords: translation, linguistic landscape, image of the territory, ecolinguistics, translation procedures


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Information about the author:

Evgeniya D. Malenova (Omsk, Russian Federation) – PhD in Philology, Associate professor at the Department of Foreign Languages of Dostoevsky Omsk State University (644077, Omsk, Prospekt Mira, 55,, a member of the Union of Translators of Russia (UTR), The European Society for Translation Studies (EST), and The European Association for Studies in Screen Translation (Esist). She has more than 150 publications. Fields of research: translation and communication studies.

For citation: Malenova E. D., (2021).

Translation of the language means of constructing an urban linguistic Landscape as a key factor in creating an image of the territory. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 6, Issue 2  (2021), pp. 94-102 (in USA)