DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-100075
Abstract: The article is devoted to researching the notion of concept as the object of transdisciplinary education. Researching the concept as the methodological basis of metadiscipline is determined by its characteristics of invariance and variability in case the
concept is viewed as an educational unit.
The research hypothesis suggests that concepts (viewed as the subject of the conceptual analysis method), performing as culture components, are apt to create new objects and phenomen.
The mentioned synthesis results in the synergistic effect (efficiency growth due to integration) and emergency fusion (when the system acquires features absent in its components).
The integrated study lessons entitled ” Factors of Human Physical and Psychic health in Fiction literature ”presumes the reference to works by F. M. Dostoyevsky, V.M. Bekhterev, F. Chizch and others, aiming to demonstrate the impact of Literature on Medical science and Psychology and to introduce contents of the above mentioned disciplines integratively. The application of this research can result in the Formation of the system of transdisciplinary connected lessons (lectures, seminars, work-shops) promoting the formation of holistic worldview among young researchers. It may also contribute to molding their personalized conceptual mental space and students’ globally-oriented worldview and thinking.
The methodology of concept as an educational unit illustrated by the concept of integrating components from different disciplines, and the method of the Conceptual analysis of a studied text can be applied in a teacher’s practice during the integrated classes.
Keywords: transdisciplinarity, meta subject, integration, concept, concept analysis, study
class, contribute, different
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Information about the author:
Sherstobitova Irina Anatolevna (Saint- Petersburg, Russia) – Ph.D. in Pedagogy,
Associate professor of Phylological Education Chair at Saint- Petersburg Academy of
postgraduate pedagogical Teacher Education (Lomonosov str. 11-13, Central district, Saint-Petersburg). 17 articles WAC. Directions: Theory and methods of teaching Russian language and Literature, Russian as a foreign language, Integration of Natural and Humanitarian sciences during the educational activity.
For citation: Sherstobitova Irina A., (2020).
Transdisciplinary Space of School Education.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 44-53 (in USA)