DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10036
The topic considered by the author is the result of long-term activity related to the development of a model for the sector of advanced training for Russian language teachers in the framework of the “Education in Russian” global network. In determining the basic concepts of the study, the author is guided by the approaches and methods of communicative studies. The author considers the “Education in Russian” global network as an institutional tool aimed at promoting and strengthening the position of the Russian language, i.e. its ethnolinguistic vitality, in the framework of the “Open Education” global system with the help of various communicative practices. The modern paradigm of improving the qualifications of teachers and teachers of the Russian language, the ways and forms of its implementation in the system of open education radically change the approach to the actors of the process and the organization of classes. Professional development in the field of teaching Russian becomes a permanently accessible service demanded by both certified teachers and freelance teachers, as well as parents and relatives of bilingual children. Developing and improving the whole system of advanced training in the field of Russian as a foreign language, as a module of the “Education in Russian” global network, takes the form and purpose of not regular pedagogical activity, but rather an advisory one, turning into one of the sections of modern linguistic consulting. The author believes that further improvement of the advanced training system in the framework of open education as a section of linguistic consulting will allow the use of more advanced mobile and efficient technologies for its implementation.
Keywords: open education, Russian as a foreign language, teacher training, communication practices, linguistic vitality, institutional measures, linguistic consulting
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Information about the author: Olga Yu. Ivanova (Moscow, Russia) – PhD, candidate of cultural studies, Scientific Director of the Institute of Humanities, Russian New University, (105005, Россия, Москва, ул. Радио, д.22), Published articles – more than 70 (linguistics, translation studies, linguodidactics, cultural communication etc.)
Acknowledgements: The author expresses her deepest gratitude to Mrs. S. Minasyan for the opportunity to tell about the new activities of the Russian New University. The author is also deeply grateful to Professor I. Klyukanov for help in identifying the main concepts of this article and searching for their exact verbal names.
For citation: Olga Yu. Ivanova, (2019). Training the methodology of Russian as a foreign language teaching in the system of “Open Education” as a modern direction of linguistic consulting. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue 1 (2019), pp.89-96(in USA)
Manuscript received: 01/30/ 2019
Accepted for publication: 03/17/2019
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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