DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-2-14-27


In modern Russian grammar, the converb does not have tense, voice, mood, but aspect. The Russian converb of the perfective aspect formed from the present-tense stem (PSPR), which is now seldom made use of, prevailed in 18th – 19th century in parallel with converb of the perfective aspect formed from the past-tense stem (PSPA): Uvide-v (PSPA) / Uvid-ja (PSPR) mat’, Anton vstal. “Seeing his mother, Anton got up.”

Previous studies could not have elucidated the contextual difference between PSPR and PSPA. As a method for investigating this issue, we propose to look at frequency of use of two converbs in “change of situation”, focusing on the emotional impact of “change of situation”. We analyze 1479 converbs (229 PSPR and 1250 PSPA) in 23 Russian 19th – 20th century literary works. The result of our study indicates that PSPR is used more frequently in “change of situation” than PSPA. The change of situation occurs most prominently at the peak of narrative. An author is more interested in, or, pays more attention to, the change of situation. “Change of situation” is one of the important factors that embodies foregrounding. Previous studies have recognized the converb as material, which is always presented as background. But we show that PSPR is susceptible to the change of situation, which characterizes foregrounding.

PSPR was accepted as one of the literary expressions, when Gallicism became popular among the Russian intelligentsia. However, the style of nobility literature was gradually supplanted and transformed by the influence of the speech of the general public. The use of PSPR has correspondingly decreased.

Keywords: PSPA, PSPR, the change of situation, the emotional impact, foreground, Gallicism


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Information about the author:

Kitajo Mitsushi (Kyoto, Japan) – Ph.D. The owner of the Medal of Pushkin (Russian Federation National Award), professor, Head of the department of Russian language, Faculty of foreign studies, Kyoto Sangyo University.

For citation: Mitsushi Kitajo, (2021).

The Vacillation between Two forms of Converb of the Perfective Aspect in Russian Literary Works of the XVIII – XIX Centuries. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science Vol.6, Issue 2 (2021), pp. 14-27 (in USA)