DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2024-2-54-60


Abstract: The novel of M.M. Prishvin “In the Land of Undisturbed Birds” (1907) is considered a literature work, which was based on the framework of studying the historical and ethnographic characteristics of northern life. In the text describing north, M.M. Prishvin paid great efforts not only to the northern geography, nature, legends, but also to the local inhabitants who surrounded by folklore poetry. The article was focused on specific manifestations of ekphrasis in the description of the character “wailing woman” in the novel of M. Prishvin “In the Land of Undisturbed Birds”, and revealed the role of ekphrasis while performing the plot and forming the image of the “wailing woman” and her multifunctional phenomenon.

Keywords: ekphrasis, wailing woman, Mikhail Prishvin



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Information about the Author:

Wang Yi-Chun (Taipei, Taiwan) – Humanities Ph.D., Professor, Professor and Head of Department of Russian Language and Literature, Chinese Culture University.



For citation: Yi-chun Wang. (2024). The use of Еkphrasis in the Сharacterization of the Сharacter “Wailer” in the Prishvin’s Story “In the Land of Undisturbed Birds”.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 54-60 (in USA)

Manuscript received 12/06/2024

Accepted for publication: 20/07/2024