DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10053
The article deals with the philosophical system of the medieval Turkic thinker Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. The main attention is paid to the anthropological ideas of Yasawi. The analysis revealed three components of his philosophical ideas originating in the Neoplatonism of Plotinus, Sufi philosophy and Turkic thought tradition. From the philosophy of Plotin, the ideas of asceticism and ecstasy, Love and Death are perceived. Sufi tradition is manifested in the following concept of «perfect man», «Qutb», the prototype of which in the Sufi tradition is the prophet Muhammad. The concept of «the Way» of Sufism follows Yasawi, with distinction Tariqat and Akikat, with the definition of «sites» are along the way. The Turkic component in the anthropology of Yasawi is occurred in the form of ethical rationalism, originating in the philosophy of man Zhusup Balasaguni. This is the requirement for person moral self-improvement, deliverance from flaws according to Yasawi. In particular, he decries ignorance. Another intention of the Turkic philosophical tradition is the idea of the futility of human existence, which in a sense came into conflict with the Islamic concept of full trust in the Creator. The emphasis at Yasawi is made on the temporality of man’s stay on earth, on the relativity of human existence, on the brevity of life, on the regret of the uniqueness and irrevocability of human existence. Therefore, the motives of sadness, anguish, sadness, regret are prevailed. In General, «Divani Hikmet» Turkic philosophical tradition is visible in the categorical system: «kanaqat» (satisfaction measure); «tagdyr» (destiny); «yrzyq, qut» (happiness, welfare, prosperity); «haq» (true); «amanat» (mandate, heritage); «aruaq» (spirit of ancestors); «kok» (the sky); Tengri; Qyzyr Baba.
Keywords: Turkic philosophical tradition, Neoplatonism, Sufi philosophical tradition, Love and Dearth, asceticism, «The perfect man», Qutb, ethical rationalism, ignorance, futility of human existence
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Information about the author:
Gaziz Telebayev (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) – Professor, Doctor of philosophical sciences, professor of L. Gumilev Eurasia National University, researcher of Nazarbayev center, address: Bokeihan 1, Nur-Sultan 010000, Kazakhstan, e-mail:
Research on Turkic philosophical tradition, «philosophical points» on the Great Silk Way, Turkic philosophical elements in philosophical systems of Korkyt Ata, Al-Farabi and Yassawi.
Research on Orhon-Yenisey written monuments, the categories of Tengri and Qut, the representation of Tengri category in ancient and medieval Turkic sources, particularly in Codex Cumanicus.
Research on philosophical ideas of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Zhusup Balasaguni, Omar Khayyam and others. Also he has articles on the history of Western philosophy, religious studies, political science and sociology. Author of over 300 scholarly publications.
For citation: Telebayev Gaziz, (2019). Turkic Elements in Sufi Philosophical Tradition: Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue II (2019), pp. 100-107 (USA)
Manuscript received: 03/15/ 2019
Accepted for publication: 03/17/2019
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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