DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10035
This research is devoted to the problem of the formation of communicative competence of students learn Russian as a foreign language. One of the effective ways to form communicative competence is the use of associative-verbal network. The results of the associative experiment show that the introduction of associative dictionary materials into the educational practice of teaching Russian increases the level of language skills of foreigners. The associative verbal network is a way of representing linguistic consciousness and a reflection of the systemic representations of national cultural ideas about the world. Associative reactions associated with mental attitudes and cultural and moral values affect the compatibility of words, connotative meanings and implicit meanings. Typical constructions and usage of words appear, in which the speech stereotypes of the Russian speakers are revealed. Knowledge of these speech stereotypes and the ability to use them in practice demonstrate the level of communicative competence of foreign students. Information associative dictionaries and the results of associative experiments allow you to create the conditions for the formation of a full-fledged speech activity in the framework of intercultural communication. The results of this study can be used in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. They can also serve as the basis for subsequent scientific developments in the Russian language teaching system.
Keywords: communicative competence, associative-verbal network, associative reactions, speech stereotypes, word compatibility, speech activity, intercultural communication, learning Russian as a foreign language
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Information about the author: Anna F. Gershanova (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language and Publishing Department, Russian New University (Moscow, Radio Street, 22.)
52 published articles, areas: literary text, discourse, evaluation category, language concepts.
Acknowledgements: My gratitude to the Chair of Russian language and Publication of the Russian New University for the affirmative evaluation of the article and its Recommendation for publishing. Express my appreciation to Doctor of Philology Tatyana A. Golikova for scientific counselling.
For citation: Anna F. Gershanova, (2019). The Role of the Associative-verbal Network in the Formation of the Communicative Competence of Foreign Students. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue 1 (2019), pp.79-88(in USA)
Manuscript received: 03/01/ 2019
Accepted for publication: 03/17/2019
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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