DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-1-96-109
Abstract: The article is devoted to an actual problem ‒ the development of the concept of
Kazakh rhetoric. The problem is considered on the description of the content and structure of the rhetoric of law and the identification of its role in the formation of legal rhetoric. The main directions of the article are due to the application of the ideas of non-rhetoric and
communicative rhetoric and relate to the pragmatic potential of the biy utterance, the connection of the rhetorical status of the utterance, the rhetorical modality, the picture of the world. A description of the speaker’s communicative and speech behavior, illocutionary and perlocutionary effects on the listener is also undertaken. These approaches allow us to
characterize the skill of Kazakh biys, the techniques of rhetorical argumentation and the
effectiveness of communication from the position of the status of the Word / Speech. This
approach became the basis for the description of the features of speech communication and the development of the scientific apparatus of Kazakh rhetoric. The examples confirm the modern scientific idea of the insufficiency of the theory of speech acts for the development of the concept of rhetoric. The reproduction of the biy’s thinking process, his decision-making, impact on the audience and perception by listeners showed a movement from the modality of knowledge to the audience's understanding and persuasion. The techniques of argumentation and manipulation of the speaker to the listener are shown by the example of creating an occasional picture of the world. The generalization of illocutionary and perlocutionary effects on the listener is shown from the standpoint of classification of iconic discourse and its connection with rhetorical modality. The processes of operating a speaker with a denotative meaning and controlling the listener's perception with the help of a connotative meaning are analyzed. The
process of reaching agreement between the speaker and the listener in the aspect of
argumentation techniques is investigated. The role of perlocation as a way to achieve such
agreement is highlighted. The significance of the considered problem is due to the description of Kazakh justice from the position of a rhetorical ideal, the activation of concepts of value for the people.
Keywords: Kazakh rhetoric, legal rhetoric, argumentation, discourse, illocution,
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Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 96-109 (in USA)
Manuscript received 11/02/2023
Accepted for publication: 26/03/2023