DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-00008
The phenomenon of poetry attracted the wise men of all the times and peoples. The poetic comprehension of the world is the most complicated spiritual, philosophical, psychological and aesthetic process. Being the object of the study in the large spectrum of humanitarian subjects the phenomenon of poetry succumbs no of one of them separately. This work attempts to consider some theoretical positions of this problem through the prism of legend. In view of pithiness, imagery, layering the genre of legend is amazingly poetic – all this helps us to plunge in the secret of the poetic text, to consider some aspects of the poetry itself. The author concludes that the phenomenon of poetry is a poetic magic, in which the language tools together with meaning leaves nobody indifferent and empathizes so strong (catharsis) to purify the reader’s soul.
Keywords: phenomenon of poetry, poet and creation, magic and secret, reality and legend,
impact and depth
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Information about the authors:
Yangutova Rita Robertovna (Xian China) ‒ PhD of Philosophy, Xian Jiaotong University, E-mail:
Peng Ling, (Xian China) – PhD of History, Xian Jiaotong University, E-mail:
For citation: Yangutova Rita, Peng Ling, (2020). The Phenomenon of Poetry in the Context of
Legends about «Golden Age» Poets of Middle Asia. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 68-75 (in USA)
Manuscript received 15/02/2020
Accepted for publication: 17/03/2020
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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