DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-1060    


The article describes the key points for the transition from traditional teaching into the modern electronic format and the impact of the Internet on the formation of a new vision of education and lifestyle. The author introduces e-educational tools like the actual and innovative lingua-didactics in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language. Under the influence of electronic innovation, digital and telecommunication technologies form the new information society with new laws of life and new requirements for professional competence. The main features of modern society are multilingual, cross-cultural, and tolerance. Also, the author discussed the audiovisual method which arose from the needs optimally rapid language acquisition based on the creation of authentic background of language learning, which is absorbing spoken language. The key point of this technique is to create a teaching and learning tools, taking into account the semantics of the national language picture of the world, which finds its expression in the segment (lexical, morphological, syntactic and morphological) and super-segment (phonetics and intonation) linguistic levels. The new generation of e-learning tools is the lingua-methodic simulators, which help to automate the lexical and morph- syntactic abilities for the development of various skills: communication, speech, grammar, etc.

Keywords: informatization of language education, telecommunication technologies, e-pedagogy, audiovisual method, natural language environment, audio dubbing, lingua-methodic simulators.

For citation: Asanova Svetlana, (2019).


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Information about the author:

Asanova Svetlana (Seoul, South Korea) –  Doctor of Philosophy, the field of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Department of Northeast Asian Studies, Incheon National University, South Korea. Her field of research is e-lingua-didactic, bilingual education, methods of teaching foreign languages. She is the author of more than 30 scientific works.


I express my deep gratitude to the team of editors for providing full support in editing and publishing my article. The special thanks to Middlebury University, in person, Professor Thomas Bayer and Vice- Editor Minasyan Svetlana Mikhaylovna.

For citation: Asanova Svetlana, (2019). The Innovative Importance of Lingual-Methodic Simulators. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol. 4, Issue 4 (2019), pp. 44-49 (in USA)

Manuscript received 29/10/2019                                                                                       

Accepted for publication: 26/11/2019

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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