DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2024-2-71-80
Abstract: Aims and Objectives: The study aims to analyze the development of critical thinking in Generation Alpha compared to previous generations to identify unique features and trends. The main tasks include reviewing literature on critical thinking, defining data collection and analysis methods, conducting surveys with Generation Alpha and previous generations, performing observations in educational institutions and online environments, and analyzing and interpreting the results.
Methodology and Research Methods: The research methodology is based on the Starkey critical thinking assessment test adapted by E.L. Lutsenko. The study involved 150 schoolchildren aged 10 to 14. The test consisted of 27 questions with four answer choices and was conducted in both print and electronic formats, ensuring confidentiality.
Results: 60% of the students demonstrated an average level of critical thinking, 20% showed a high level, and 20% showed a low level. Alpha children performed best in tasks related to inductive reasoning and fact evaluation but struggled with analysis and critical assessment of information.
Theoretical Contribution: The research confirms significant differences in the development of critical thinking between Generation Alpha and previous generations, attributed to their unique upbringing and access to information.
Practical Relevance: The results can be used to develop educational programs aimed at fostering critical thinking in children. Special attention should be given to teaching information evaluation skills and enhancing analytical thinking.
Keywords: Generation Alpha, critical thinking, psychology, inductive thinking, emotional support, surveying different generations, clip thinking
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Information about the Authors:
Svetlana M. Minasyan — Ph.D., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Yerevan State University, Ijevan Branch. Email: ORCID:; ID Scopus – 56576171400
Mariam H. Darbinyan — Bachelor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Yerevan State University, Ijevan Branch.
For citation: Minasyan, Svetlana M., Darbinyan, Mariam H. (2024).
The Development of Critical Thinking in Generation Alpha: a Comparative Analysis with Previous Generations. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 71-80 (in USA)
Manuscript received: 07/06/2024
Accepted for publication: 20/07/2024