DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-3-17-26


Andrei Platonov’s critical thoughts and reflections, which desperately warned about the danger of historically negative deviations in the development of society and embodied in his previously officially banned key prose texts, plays, film scripts, have reached us with great delay. Even archives with secret reports on the writer to the state security services about his direct criticism of the existing system have been open to the public only recently. The thoughts and public statements of the writer, scrupulously protocoled in these anonymous reports, help to realize how deeply he realized the utopian and totalitarian essence of the existing political system from its inside. Platonov’s sharp criticism of the state and power, which declaratively proclaimed the creation of The Ideal Society and The Ideal New Man, is the essence of Platonov’s Dystopia, which found its concentrated literary embodiment in Platonov’s short novel The Foundation Pit and entered in this short novel into the most severe collision with Utopia.

Keywords: Andrei Platonov’s Utopia and Dystopia, The New World and The Old World, the idea of forming The New Man and its practical implementation, concept decoding, the concept of The New Man, ontological antithesis, ideological mirage, totalitarian ideology, Platonov’s literary collision of Utopia and Dystopia


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  2. Platonov A.P. (1988). Kotlovan. Moskva: Knizhnaja palata.
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Information about the author:

Vassili Bouilov (Helsinki, Finland) – Doctor of Philosophy (FT/PhD) Senior lecturer of Russian Language and Translation, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Faculty of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, Василий В. Буйлов, Университет Восточной Финляндии, Йоэнсуу, Финляндия.

E-mail:, Mob. +358414539704 Home and personal post address: Vassili Bouilov, Eerikinkatu 23 A11, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

The Member of Union of Translators of Russia (UTR)

The Expert of the Guild of Linguistic Experts in Documentation and Information Disputes, the Member of GLEDID Scientific and Advisory Council, the Member of GLEDID Editorial Board, the Official Representative of GLEDID in Finland (GLEDID, A Russian and International NGO/non-governmental non-profit organization, Moscow, Russian Federation).

Published scientific works – about 70 items (lingua-Stylistic, Lingua-Cultural, Literary, Semiotic and Translation Studies, Cross-Cultural Communication, Specialization in different aspects of Andrei Platonov’s Idiostyle, Ontology and other writer’s Creative Activities, i.e. Platonovovedenie).

For citation: Bouilov Vassili V. (2021). The Concept of the New Man in the Prose of Andrei Platonov and the Class Struggle as a Verdict on the Old World. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2021), pp. 17-26 (in USA)

Manuscript received 08/09/2021  –  Accepted for publication: 30/09/2021