DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2024-1-18-27


Abstract:The paper deals with the connection between the ways of modelling the author’s consciousness, the signs of the author’s position in a fiction work with the author’s, cultural and national identity. The task is carried out on the material of Pushkin’s poetics. The methodology of the article is based on the methods of using the ideas of theoretical, historical, communicative poetics and their role in developing didactic foundations for the study of the author’s position and identity. The application of the concepts characterizing the principles of creating a worldview, impact on the reader, and innovation of the writer is justified. The appeal to M. Bakhtin’s ideas is justified from the standpoint of communicative poetics and is concerned with such issues as the author and the hero, the concept of dialogism, and the types of heroisation. This approach became the basis for the techniques of analyzing the author’s position in a fiction work. The transposition of the ideas of receptive aesthetics into the field of hermeneutics and phenomenology makes it possible to realize a transdisciplinary approach based also on the concepts of cultural anthropology. The use of hermeneutic, phenomenological methods, axiological and non-rhetorical (discourse) approaches is conditioned by the achievement of a holistic approach to the problem. The obtained results contribute to the development of the new approaches to the formation of the Russian idea as a category of national consciousness. The constants of Russian national consciousness are presented as an important feature of Pushkin’s ontology and the cause of the identity crisis he depicts. The role of extra-textual cultural relations as a source of artistic anthropology is revealed. Cultural and national identity is considered in the aspect of reception.

Keywords: ontology, Pushkin, authors’ consciousness, author’s identity, cultural and national identity



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Information about the Author:

Urazayeva Kuralay B.(Astana, Kazakhstan) ‒ Professor of the Department of Russian Philology of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Doctor of Philology, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Scientific interests: history of Russian and Kazakh literature, literary translation studies, non-rhetoric. Email: SPIN-код: 4096-8621


For citation: Urazayeva Kuralay B. (2024).

The Author’s Position in a Fiction Work as a Manifestation of Identity.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,

Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 18-27 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 15/02/2024

Accepted for publication: 25/03/2024