DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10057  


Material for the “Winter notes on summer impressions” by Fyodor Dostoevsky gave the impression of travel in Europe in June-August 1862. The author consciously makes distance from national traditions in travel writing (N. Karamzin, V. Zhukovsky, A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, Pushkin), and from Western European tradition (S. de Brosse, K. F. Moritz , Charles Dupaty and F. Nicolai). During his trips to France, Germany, England, Switzerland and Italy Dostoevsky, first, refers to the assessment of the impact of European civilization on Russian social and cultural spheres. The irony of the tone of the author’s observations on the life of the “European” West is manifested first in the selection of facts from the national life of Western European countries. Dostoevsky is criticizing the institution of the bourgeoisie, its way of life, thoughts, culture, and family life. The author questions the prospects of humanistic development for Western society. The author opposes his own understanding of the basis of a harmonious social structure to the former law of the power of money, the desire for personal profit in the Western man. According to Dostoevsky, the key to the progressive development of society is the principle of brother hood, based on the Christian consciousness.

Dostoevsky with his “Winter notes on summer impressions” opens a new line in the genre solution of travelogue, not only talking about the social, cultural and historical features of the “European” West, but also adding to his material high ideological solemn connotation of sermon.

Keywords: Dostoevsky, Russia, Europe, travel genre, tradition, prospects of social and cultural development, moral and religious assessment     


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  2. Khomyakov A.S. Stikhotvorenia. М.: “Progress-Pleyada” , 2005.- С.81.
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  4. Shenle A. Podlinost I vimisel v avtorskom soznanii russkoi literature puteshestvii. 1790-1840. М., 2004.- С.306.
  5. Tam zhe, С.307.

Information about the author:

Dergunova Natalia Gennadievna (Moscow, Russia)  – candidate of Philology, associate Professor, Russian New University, associate Professor of Russian Language and Publishing Department, Moscow, Russian Federation.


I express my gratitude to the department of the Russian language and publishing house ROSNOU for help in my scientific work.

Выражаю благодарность кафедре русского языка и издательского дела РОСНОУ за содействие в моей научной деятельности.

For citation: Dergunova Natalia, (2019). The Author’s Concept of the Relationship between Russia and the West in “Winter Notes on Summer Impressions” by F.M. Dostoevsky. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol. 4, Issue 4 (2019), pp. 20-26 (in USA)

Manuscript received 03/11/2019

Accepted for publication: 25/11/2019                                           

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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