DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10038
The role of oral and written text, as а basis for development of communicative competence is the theme of the article. Textual stimulus functions as a trigger for language reaction. Text involves the participants of dialogue into language activity, activates the most suitable strategies for performing a specific language task, as well as strategies for reduction of the load to cognitive processes of students while reading texts of high level. The article tells about theoretical and practical factors which should be taken into consideration when selecting the text (for inst., organization of discourse, linear structure, prior student’s knowledge, etc.), as well as strategies, necessary for achievement of high level of proficiency in a foreign language.
Keywords: “agents” of social communication, interaction, fields of communication, communicative competence, learning styles, spectrum of personality types, language proficiency, domains, activating strategies, textual response, textual stimulus text tasks, congruence
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Information about the authors: Aleksandr Kovalev (Monterey, California, USA) – PhD, Professor, Defense Language Institute. Email:
Elena Sedova-Hotaling (Monterey, California, USA) – Associate Professor, Defense Language Institute. Email: Mailing address: 300 Glenwood Circle, 258, Monterey, CA USA 93940
Acknowledgements: Special gratitude to the instructors of CE DTRA who enthusiastically approved the topic of the article.
For citation: Aleksandr Kovalev, Elena Sedova-Hotaling, (2019). Text as the Basis of Communicative Activity in Achieving High Level Proficiency in a Foreign Language. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue 1 (2019), pp.107-112(in USA)
Manuscript received: 12/25/ 2018
Accepted for publication: 03/17/2019
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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