DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10064
The article examines some difficulties that students could face in the process of studying grammar at the intermediate and advanced levels of learning Russian as a Foreign Language. Nowadays, in Russian universities, the process of teaching Russian as a Foreign Language is focused to a great extend on the existing educational traditions with the predominance of methodology concentrated on working with students for whom Russian is a purely foreign language. Within this approach, the curricula are often based on the existing standards of Russian language proficiency. At the same time, in recent years, the share of bilingual students in various educational program has increased. In this concern, the existing standards of lexical and grammatical proficiency require some revision. The present article is dedicated to the grammatical aspect of language learning and focuses on the problems of the formation of a conscious perception of the semantics of the constructions of time, cause, and purpose in a simple sentence. Taking into consideration the most typical mistakes of English-speaking (and other) students, some specific constructions that should be included in the program of teaching Russian grammar at the intermediate and advanced levels are provided. In the article, the emphasis is made mainly on English-speaking students, as within Bard-Smolny program (Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University), they present the majority of exchange students.
Keywords: Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL); grammar; ways of expressing time, cause, and purpose; negative transfer; heritage students.
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Information about the authors:
Natalia Nekora (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) – PhD, Assistant Professor of Department of Theory and Methodology for Teaching Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University (190000, 58-60 Galernaya St., Saint-Petersburg, Russia). Her research fields are: cross-cultural linguistics, cross-cultural communication, teaching Russian as a foreign language, liberal arts). SPIN-code: 4246-2906. E-mail:
Elena Rumiantseva (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) – PhD, Assistant Professor of Department of Theory and Methodology for Teaching Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University (190000, 58-60 Galernaya St., Saint-Petersburg, Russia). Her research fields are: cross-cultural linguistics, teaching Russian as a foreign language, pragmatics, liberal arts). SPIN-code: 3467-8502. E-mail:
For citation: Nekora Natalia, Rumiantseva Elena, (2019). Teaching Russian Grammar to American students at the Intermediate and Advanced Levels: Ways of Expressing Time, Cause, and Purpose in Simple Sentences. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol. 4, Issue 4 (2019), pp. 72-78 (in USA)
Manuscript received 29/10/2019
Accepted for publication: 20/11/2019
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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