DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-3 -38-46
The article considers triadic as one of the most important principles of Dostoyevsky’s writing. The triad (triadic, the symbolism of the number three) represents a fundamental counterbalance to binary logic based on binary oppositions (not just up and down or left and right, but also good or bad, right or wrong etc.), and it is precisely the triadicity that allows Dostoevsky to describe the deep motivation of human actions, to penetrate and to disturb standard insights in the pit of the human soul. Our literary and philosophical approach is developed on the basis of the aesthetic-anthropological concept of literature, the founder of which is the Slovak literary critic A. Chervenyak. In the process of aesthetic-anthropological analysis, which is based on the “triad” as one of the main parts of A. Chervenyak’s aesthetic-anthropological concept, individual elements of a triadic nature (time, characters, concepts, set phrases, etc.) are to investigate. On the material of Dostoevsky’s works (Double, 1845-1846; Crime and Punishment, 1866), the article points to the productivity of the triadic aesthetic-anthropological approach to the Dostoevsky’s work.
Keywords: Russian literature, Dostoyevsky, The Double, Crime and Punishment, aesthetic- anthropological concept, prof. Chervenyak, triadic
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For citation: Patrik Lekeš, (2022).
Some Notes of the Triadic Character of Dostoyevsky´s Creativity.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2022), pp. 38-46 (in USA)
Manuscript received: 15/10/2022
Accepted for publication: 20 /11/2022