DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-00014


This article analyzes various concepts regarding the efficiency of communicative competences
for the purpose of socio-cultural integration. In addition, this article contains some of the results of
our research, justifying the need to implement a Program for improving the communication skills
from the perspective of the socio-cultural integration of adolescents. The experimental group
consisted of 104 adolescents from pre-university educational institutions. Our understanding is that
in order to cope with the rapid changes that are taking place in the world, it is necessary to approach
the concept of education for sociocultural integration from a modern, broader perspective, with the
role of making available to each student activities for optimizing the process of socio-cultural
integration, focused on capitalizing on modern communication strategies, so that the student can discover the true values of diversity. From our perspective, advantageously placed as an observer,
the teacher can greatly help the student by improving the communicative skills for the socio-cultural
integration. In addition, due to the specificity of the educational environment, the difficulties of
socio-cultural integration are rarely analyzed, and the multiculturalism analyzed only by the aspect
of belonging to different ethnic groups, without having a methodology for assessing the level of
socio-cultural integration or a Program for improving the communicative competences from the
perspective of socio-cultural integration of students. In our vision, the supposed results of the
research reside in the efficiency of the communicative competences for the sociocultural integration
of the students who attend high school. The implementation of the Program of efficiency of the
communicative and organizational competences from the perspective of the sociocultural integration
of the adolescents ensures the prevention, the diminution and the overcoming of the difficulties of
socio-cultural integration in the school environment; the application of the research results can be
useful in the modernization of the school curricula in the intercultural context.

Keywords: communicative skills, educational environment, integration, socio-cultural
integration, socialization, feedback, feed-forward, intercultural context

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Information about the authors:
Ecaterina Țarna (Chisinau, Moldova) – Doctor of Pedagogics, Associate professor, Chisinau
Pedagogical State University «Ion Creanga», Moldova. Academic teaching experience and
areas of scientific interest: pedagogy, psychology, communication, conflictology. More than
60 publications national and international. Latest projects: «Consolidation of freedom of
opinion in the Republic of Moldova», implemented in the Republic of Moldova with the
support of Deutsche Welle Aсademia and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
and Development of Germany (2015-2019); Postdoctoral research project ” The pedagogical
values of developing non support of Deutsche Welle Aсademia and the Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany -conflictual attitudes in students from
the professional integration perspective “, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture
and Research and the National Agency for Research and Development, implemented at the
State Pedagogical University «Ion Creangă» (2019-2021).
E-mail: ec.tarna@gmail.com
Tanasescu Cristina Florentina (Buzau, Romania) – «Nicolae Iorga» Theoretical High
School Nehoiu, Buzau, Romania. PhD candidate, Doctor, Buzau, Romania al School
«Educational Sciences», State Pedagogical University «Ion Creanga» from Chisinau.
Research topic: «Efficiency of communicative and organizational skills from the perspective
of socio-cultural integration» (7 publications).
E-mail: voicu_cristina_florentina@yahoo.com
Acknowledgments: special gratitude to Callo Tatiana, Dr. Hab., professor, for scientific

For citation: Tarna Ecaterina A., Tanasescu Cristina F. (2020). The Efficiency of Communicative Skills in the Perspective of Sociocultural Integration. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 126-136 (in USA)

Manuscript received 24/02/2020
Accepted for publication: 17/03/2020
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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