DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10055


The article is a theoretical research of the creation of the second language manual for training educational migrants who get the higher education abroad by the means of this language. The aims of the modern language training of educational migrants, which are reflected in the structure of educational and linguistic-didactic paradigm, have been analyzed.

Methodical system of creation and expertise of the second language manual has been proposed. The elaboration of the manual model levels, which show the present-day training process (methodological level), peculiarities of the process of teaching foreign languages as a means of professional education and adaptation at universities abroad (social-linguistic level), linguistic-didactic one, that forms the methodical system of the manual. The system of the methodical providing of each level aspects corresponding to the basic requirements of the present-day educational paradigm (axiological, akmeological, competence aspect, self-educational, individual-oriented, problematic, intercultural, communicative-cognitive, environment-oriented, level of speaking a foreign language, meta-linguistic, semiotic-polygraphic) has been worked out. Effectiveness of the proposed manual model and unification of the aspects in the structure of multiaspect manual has been proved by the results of its practical implementation.

Keywords: educational migrants, linguistic-didactic level, multiaspect model of the second language manual, methodological level, social-linguistic level


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Information about the author:

Ushakova Natalia Igorevna, (Kharkov, Ukraine) – Doctor of Pedagogics (2010) (Theory and methods of teaching (Russian language)), Full Professor (2013), V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University. Head of the Language Training Department 1, Institute of International Education for Study and Research. Kharkov, Majdan Svobody 4, 61000.

The area of scientific research: methods of teaching foreign languages, Russian and Ukrainian as foreign and second languages, language and culture studies, theory of foreign language manual. 

140 articles, 28 manuals and textbooks of Russian and Ukrainian as Second Languages and Languages for Special Purposes for foreign students of philological and non-philological specialties, 6 monographs. E-mail:


The author expresses gratitude to the staff of the University library.

For citation: Natalia Ushakova (2019). Multiaspect Textbook on Language Training as Means of  Academic Adaptation of Educational Migrants. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 117-128 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 05/06/ 2019

Accepted for publication: 06/03/2019

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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