DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-2-18-32

Abstract: The article is devoted to the research of the semantic content of the word “кипиш”, which is actively used by native speakers of the Russian language not only in everyday verbal, but also in written speech. During the research of dictionary definitions, including seventeen written kinds of this word, it was revealed that the history of its semantic transformations is very ambiguous. For one hundred and thirty years of its development, the word “кипиш” has acquired sixteen meanings, and not all of them have a logical connection with each other. At the same time, dictionary compilers offer several variants of its origin that do not correlate with each other. The research showed that in modern Russian the word “кипиш” serves both the criminal sphere – thieves’ jargon and prison slang, and non-criminal – youth slang and colloquial speech. The picture of its meanings is a rather heterogeneous formation. Gradually, its semantics shifts from the designation of active actions of people to the expression of emotions and states of a person. At the end of the study, it was concluded that, regarding the origin of the word “кипиш”, one should not talk about one word, but about three different words that coincided in the thinking of native speakers based on the similarity of their sound and their relative semantic similarity.

Keywords: semantic content of the word, semantic transformations, semantic content of the word, thieves’ jargon, prison slang, youth slang


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Information about the Authors: Nekipelova Irina (Izhevsk, Russia) – PhD, Head of the Department «Russian as a Foreign Language», Director of Testing center, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. Winner of the “Scientist of the Year 2020” in the category “Humanities: languages and literature” (International Achievements Research Center) (Chicago, USA). Research fields: history of Russian language, language philosophy, teaching Russian as a foreign language; author of over 140 publications, 5 monographs and textbook «Russian as a foreign language: Step by step». E-mail:

ORCID: 0000-0001-8448-3000

SCOPUS ID: 57191414786

Web of Science Researcher ID: AAS-9439-2021

SPIN- Code: 8968-4493

Author ID: 394021

Nekipelov Eduard (Izhevsk, Russia) – student of the Faculty of Energy, Institute of Translators in the field of professional communication, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. Research fields: Russian language; teaching Russian as a foreign language; pedagogy, comparative linguistics.


For citation: Nekipelova Irina M., Nekipelov Eduard Sh., (2023).

Semantic Content of the World “кипиш” in the Modern Russian Language.   

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,

Vol. 8, Issue 2, (2023), pp. 18-32(in USA)


Manuscript received: 10/05/2023

Accepted for publication: 08/07/2023

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