DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-1-91-99
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of improving school economics education in the context of the challenges of the society and the economy based on knowledge, information, and innovation for the 21st century. The problem of development of the economic culture of the individual and the cultural approach to its development in the changing school economic education is actualized in the article. Theoretical prerequisites for the development of the cultural approach to improving school economic education, which is based on the idea of developing and synthesizing divergent economic thinking and experience in economic activity to solve vital problems, are analyzed. The research materials have been successfully tested and implemented in the experience of in-service education of schoolteachers at the Mikhail Fedorenko Academy in the regions of the Russian Federation and in the Moscow State Pedagogical University.
Keywords: globalization, economics, school economic education, economic culture, cultural approach, divergent economic thinking, experience of economic activity
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Information about the authors:
Mikhail V. Fedorenko (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Adviser of the Head of Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Association of Compliance Managers of Russia. Research interests: new economics, effective pedagogy, values, meanings and key competences of new economy and economics, divergent economic thinking, compliance management. E-mail: Web site “Mikhail Fedorenko Academy” –
Alexander M. Fedorov (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Researcher of the Republic of Karelia, Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Institute of Social Studies and Humanities of Moscow Pedagogical State University; expert of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association of Teacher Education.; Web of Science Researcher ID – AAE-1084-2019; SPIN-code: 7300-6134; Russian Science Index Author ID – 218328. Research interests: theory and history of education and pedagogy; economics of finance of education; educational policies; administration, management, and leadership in education; technologies and methodology of teaching economics; theory and technologies of teacher education. Web page at –
For citation: Mikhail V. Fedorenko, Alexander M. Fedorov, (2022),
School Economics Education for the 21st Century: New Challenges and Strategies. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2022), pp. 91-99 (in USA)
Manuscript received: 04/02/2022 – Accepted for publication: 28/03/2022