DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10090


The article examines Pasternak’s autobiographical work “Safe Conduct” in the aspect of the problem of becoming an artist, the author’s reflection on the philosophical and aesthetic parameters of the creative process, and questions about the relationship between art and reality. The author explores the genre features of the narrative of Pasternak’s prose, associated with the freedom and dynamism of the author’s speech, the integrity of self-expression, a high degree of subjectivity of the author’s “I”. The artist’s path is built as a chain of refusals and breaks with previous ideas and values, which is a necessary condition for further development. The fate of the narrator is mirrored in the fate of special characters. Memory determines the poet’s personal self-identification.

Keywords:  Pasternak, “Security certificate”, autobiographical prose, self-identification of the artist, art, creativity       


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Information about the author:                   

Polekhina Mayya Mudarrisovna – doctor of philological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Translation studies MGIMO (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), 3, Novo-Sportivnaya, Odintsovo, 143007, Russia). Spheres of research and professional interest: history of Russian literature, mythopoetics, conceptology, hermeneutics, methodology of scientific research, philological analysis of the text, rhetoric, speech culture, business communication, Russian as a foreign language and methods of teaching.
E-mail: illusio2008@yandex.ru 
ORCID 0000-0002-1225-8194

For citation: Polekhina Mayya M., (2020). «Safe Conduct» by Boris Pasternak: the Formation of an Artist, Influence and Interaction. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.5, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 44-55 (in USA)