DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2024-3-59-70


Abstract: The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has caused global instability, leading to a decline in the number of students interested in studying Russian at universities in Taiwan. In our interconnected world, educators must demonstrate to students that learning Russian language, culture, and literature is crucial for fostering peace and mutual understanding among nations. Literature encourages us to contemplate tolerance and mutual understanding, which is especially vital during international conflicts, including the escalating tensions in the Taiwan Strait, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.

The linguistic richness of M.M. Prishvin’s prose reveals to us the inexhaustible treasure trove of the Russian language. In the novella “Ginseng,” not only the ethical and moral values of M.M. Prishvin are presented in this work, but it can be resonated with one of the categories of ancient Chinese philosophy − “Ren” (仁) “benevolence, humanity”. The article examines the ideas of humanism, the unity of nature and man, and the mission of man on earth.

Keywords: Ginseng, Ren, nature, ancient Chinese philosophy


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Information about the Author: 

Wang Yi-Chun (Taipei, Taiwan) – Humanities Ph.D., Professor, Professor and Head of Department of Russian Language and Literature, Chinese Culture University. 

E-mail: dorochka.w@gmail.com


For citation: Yi-chun Wang, (2024). “Ren”(仁), One of the Categories Of Ancient 

Chinese Philosophy, in M.M. Prishvin’s Novel Zhen-Shen.”

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, 

Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2024), pp. 59-70 (in USA)


Manuscript received 09/10/2024 

Accepted for publication: 24/11/2024