RECENT POST- SOVIET MIGRATION: EUROPE AND TOLERANCE (Based on surveys, expert interviews and focus groups in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland)

DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-3-142-148


The current research focuses on the concept of tolerance level, both on the behalf of local residents of European countries accepting migrants, and migrants themselves towards local population. The surveys were conducted in focus groups in Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Poland, while the expert interviews were collected in Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. The surveys conducted by the IMAGRI in Europe in December 2021 – January 2022 and compelled to be continued in the form of expert interviews after February 24 2022, allow us to answer the question about the attitude of post-Soviet migrants to European values and prospects of Europe and Europeans in the light of “force majeure” migration, that is the avalanche-like resettlement of millions of Ukrainian residents to Europe. IMAGRI has been working in Brussels since 2009 studying migration from post-Soviet countries emerged on the territory of the collapsed USSR, in particular, the WMA category, or “advanced migration” previously concentrating on women, and in the latest research expanded to all educated migrants of both genders. Highly educated migrants, who are placed in the center of IMAGRI’s attention, possess well-developed intercultural communication skills, but in about half of the cases it does not solve the problems of their self-actualization in career and society.

Keywords: social adaptation; Russian-speaking migrants; World-Migrants Advanced (WMA); cross-cultural communication; level of tolerance, attitude, hidden discrimination


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For citation: Sandler Margarita R., (2022). Recent Post-Soviet Migration: Europe and Tolerance. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2022), pp. 142-148 (in USA)

 Manuscript received: 10/09/2022

Accepted for publication: 20 /11/2022