DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10081
Abstract: Our analysis of the teaching process as well as a number of available course books
concluded us that their authors are reluctant to include exercises aimed at realising students’
intellectual potential. It is often easy to predict the development of a given communicative
activity. Our experience as teachers shows that it is quite unpopular among teachers to engage
students in activities, which would encourage them to make use of their creativity and extralinguistic knowledge. The eclectic approach to language teaching enables us to include in the teaching process diverse exercises stimulating students’ intellectual potential. Students cannot predict how such exercises will develop, which adds variety to the teaching process and
prepares students for autonomous thinking. We argue that such activities bring satisfactory
results, because they have been met with great interest and enjoyed popularity among many
monolingual and multilingual student groups.
Keywords: intellectual potential, component, creative, autonomous thinking, creativity
teaching, education, polycultural space
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4. Kraśniewski A. (2006): Proces Boloński: dokąd zmierza europejskie szkolnictwo wyższe?
MNSW. Pobrano z: <http//ły/89/89/szkoln_eur.2006.pdf>
5. Goethe – Institut Inter Nationese. V., ( 2003): Podstawy Programowe dla Lektoratów
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6.Общая Европейская языковая рамочная программа: изучение, обучение, оценка
(2002). Совет Европы.
Information about the auother:
Zarembska-Tzhensovska Eva (Warsaw, Poland) – senior lecturer, lecturer a foreign languages, University of Warsaw, Krakovskie Przedmiestie 26/28, 00-970 Warsaw, Poland.
For citation: Zarembska – Tzhensovska Eva, (2020).
Realizing the Intellectual Potential of Students of Russian as a
Foreign Language a Uniform Educational Polycultural Environment.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 54-60 (in USA)