Abstract: The paper deals with the issue of polycode text from a linguistic point of view focusing the attention on advertising communication. There is also discussed the possible use of polycode text in the learning process accenting the foreign language teaching. In the introduction of the article it is presented the polycode nature of texts at present as a natural phenomenon of modern communication. It is also given the term polycode text in comparison with the term monocode text and there are presented features of the polycode text and their basic distribution. The first part of the article highlights the concept of a polycode text in diachronic and synchronous aspects. The second part deals with the codes of media and advertising text. The third part talks about the understanding of a polycode text by addressees, and the fourth part devotes much space to polycode texts in advertising communication. The fifth part discusses the problems of typographic code in advertising. The entire part highlights the use of polycode texts in the learning process with an emphasis on teaching foreign languages. In conclusion there is given a summary of investigated problems.
Keywords: advertising communication, advertising text, decoding, learning process, polycode text, semiotic codes, typographic code, visualization
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Mesačník Evita, roč. IX., č. 8, 2024, s. 2, ISSN 1339-9241
Mesačník Forbes, roč. XIV, č. 1, 2024, s. 21, ISSN 1338-2527
Týždenník Trend, roč. XXXIII., č. 27, 2024, s. 68, ISSN 1335-0684
Information about the Аuthors:
Gallo Jan (Nitra, Slovakia) – PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Slavic Studies, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Arts.
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7113-9235
SCOPUS ID: 57956653600
His research fields include: systemic linguistics, text linguistics, methodology of teaching the Russian language for foreigners, intercultural communication, business communication.
Miliaev Fedor (Nitra, Slovakia) – PhD student of the Department of Slavic Studies, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Arts.
His research fields include: text linguistics, literary comparative studies
For citation: Gallo, Jan, Miliaev, Fedor. (2024). Polycode Text in the Aspect of Linguistics
and the Process of Teaching Foreign Languages. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,
Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2024), pp. 36-48 (in USA)
Manuscript received: 29/09/2024
Accepted for publication: 24/11/2024