DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-3-99-108


The article presents a deep analysis of the organization of the specialized education in the Russian school, in particular – of the organization of specialized pedagogical classes. This form of work effectively solves the problems of the vocational guidance; it gives to the reader the opportunity to get acquainted with the diversity of characteristics of teaching professions, immerse the reader in the practical creative teaching activities. From this, the future of school education depends on what kind of applicants will come to a teacher training institution: professionally oriented, knowing the positive aspects of the teaching profession and its difficulties, or a random people. The Study of the history of the ways of becoming specialized pedagogical classes, starting from the 19th century, allowed the authors to identify both positive achievements and significant mistakes in the organization of the pre-university profile pedagogical preparation. Since the current academic year, the Ministry of Education of Russia has opened 5,000 specialized pedagogical classes to train future teachers in the school [5]. The authors of this article are the developers of the working program of the “Pedagogical class” project, and the practical materials presented in the article. Personal achievements of the authors were included as tasks in the workbooks for students of the pedagogical classes.

 Keywords: pedagogical class, specialized training, vocational guidance, pedagogical bias, pre-university training


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 Information about the authors:

 Natalia V. Korepanova (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education named after Academician V.A. Slastenin of the Moscow Pedagogical State University. Moscow. Russia. Research interests: organization of independent work of students, coaching in education, pre-university training of teachers. 0000-0003-0359-8258, SPIN: 7108-5041, AuthorID: 754862. Email:

Elena A. Starodubova (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education named after Academician V.A. Slastenin of the Moscow Pedagogical State University. Moscow. Russia. Research interests: coaching in education, emotional and moral development of the individual, moral self-awareness, pre-university training of teachers. 0000-0002-6502-2425; SPIN code: 4490-8140, AuthorID: 735116.


For citation: Korepanova Natalia V., Starodubva Elena A., (2021). Pedagogical Class in the Russian School as a Form of the Specialized Education. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol.6, Issue 3 (2021), pp. 99-108 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 20/08/2021 – Accepted for publication: 30/09/2021