DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2024-2-5-15

Abstract: Paronomasia is included by Andrei Platonov in the group of the most important author’s stylistic means, with the help of which he manages to give the text greater expressiveness and increase the imagery of his narrative. He successfully operates with paronymic oppositions, using the sound similarity between words with their partial or complete semantic difference. Most often, the writer uses the technique of semantic shift, which involves replacing one word with another, semantically and structurally close, similar, to give the phrase a more capacious, generalized meaning. Assuming that readers are sufficiently familiar with the basic norms of word usage, Platonov deliberately creates situations in his narrative in which words are used in contexts that are unusual for them and in conditions of lexical and syntactic compatibility that are uncharacteristic for them.

Keywords: Andrei Platonov’s idiostyle; translation strategy; foreignization; paronymy; paronymic opposition; paronomasia; the method of semantic shift; Utopia, Anti-Utopia/dystopia, Novoyaz; quasi-language of Utopia; ideological clichés; the literary collision of Utopia and Anti-Utopia; allegoricality, duality, uncertainty, amphibolia, ambiguity, implicativity of Platonov’s prose text; eternal verity; Platonov’s “truth of existence”.


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Information about the Author:

Vassili Bouilov (Helsinki, Finland) – Doctor of Philosophy (FT/PhD) Senior lecturer of Russian Language and Translation, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Faculty of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Foreign Languages and Translation Studies,

E-mail:, Mob. +358414539704

The author permanently lives in Helsinki.

Vassili Bouilov’s 16-digit ORCID identifier: 0000-0003-2326-1513

ORCID iD and the link to public record:

Published scientific works and reports – about 100 items (lingua-Stylistic, Lingua-Cultural, Literary, Semiotic and Translation Studies, Cross-Cultural Communication, Specialization in research of Andrei Platonov’s Idiostyle (Platonovovedenie), i.e. Lingua-Stylistic and Translatological Research of his Language, Ontology, Semiotics, Conceptology, etc.


For citation: Bouilov Vassili V. (2024). Paronomasia as an Important Stylistic Component of Andrei Platonov’s Idiostyle and its Translation into English. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,

Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 5-15 (in USA) 

Manuscript received 24/06/2024

Accepted for publication: 20/07/2024