DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-3-88-98
The present paper outlines that the diversified functioning of higher education as an important link in the educational sphere of culture shows its need primarily as a social institution. For society, such an institution is the goal and means of one’s own spiritual reproduction. Outside the implementation of this humanistic function, society is doomed, because human qualities in people develop not according to the rigid schemes of physical and biological laws, but according to sociocultural programs. These programs experience the accumulated values of culture, presented as an achievement of civilization, science, ideology, art, morality and religion, legal principles and aesthetic evaluations. The paper underlines that the state of the current education system can be assessed as extremely difficult, which is associated with the collapse of the main goal-forming elements of educational policy and values, the search for new guidelines in teaching and upbringing due to the fact that society itself is undergoing a comprehensive crisis. Upbringing has not yet become a necessary organic component of pedagogical activity, integrated into the general process of learning and personal development. There break in the unity of the system training and education is maintained. In higher education, the system of educating student youth has lost its essential character and has become ineffective for solving complex problems of forming a socially active personality. The aesthetic dominant acts as a systemic property and is understood as a principle explaining the main meaning and technology of organizing the educational process as a whole; it would be logical trace how this principle of the concept of humanistic education works. The present paper emphasizes that new political, economic and social order society requires the formation of a personality of a new sociocultural type. University pedagogy should provide a theoretical basis for the method of cultural developmental education and upbringing in a university. This concept aims to address this issue. Only on the basis of voluntary aspirations we can solve organizational issues, develop and introduce into practice new ideas and technologies that harmonize and humanizing new types of pedagogical relations.
Keywords: Educational Approach, Aesthetic Pedagogy, Theoretical Worldview, Philosophical Methodology, Aesthetic Education, Aesthetic Consciousness, Creative Algorithm
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Information about the authors:
Ibraim Didmanidze (Batumi, Georgia) – Doctor of Information Technology, Associate Professor of the Centre of the Languages and Information Technologies, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia, Batumi, Ninoshvili Street 35, 6010; E-mail: [95 published scientific articles, research areas: Information Technologies, Local Algorithms].
Irma Bagrationi (Batumi, Georgia) – Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor of Department of Philosophy, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (Batumi, Ninoshvili St.35:6010) Higher Education Accreditation Expert of National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (Tbilisi, Merab Aleksidze Street 1:0193) E-mail: [72 published scientific articles & a Monograph, research areas: Aesthetics, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Education].
For citation: Didmanidze I., Bagrationi I., (2021). On the Educational Approaches for Creative Algorithms In the Context of Social Aesthetics. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol.6, Issue 3 (2021), pp. 88-98 (in USA)
Manuscript received: 29/08/2021 – Accepted for publication: 30/09/2021