DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-1-17-27
Abstract: Andrey Platonovs idiostyle, built on an artistic mixture of different styles, the two-dimensionality, ambivalence and implicativity of the authors discourse, the intentional linguistic acoding of hidden meanings, the connotative nature of the text are the main challenges for thetranslator of Platonov’s prosaic text. In this connection, it would be appropriate for the translator to consider the problem of the translatability of literary; Platonov’s text. In the process of translating this text, it should be considered not only its linguistic side, but also all other extralinguistic and cultural components that predetermine Andrei Platonovs idiostyle. The analysis of Thomas Whitney’s English translation of Andrei Platonov’s short novel The Foundation Pit presented in the article assumes a detailed lingua-translatological consideration of short novel’s text and the ways and means of expressing in Whitney’s translation the functions of the source text, determined by Platonovs creative method and his idiostyle.
Keywords: translation strategy, foreignizing, quasi-language of Utopia, Novoyaz, diglossia, ideological clichés, Andrei Platonov’s idiostyle, literary collision of Utopia and Dystopia, implicativity, metonymy, hypernymic synecdoche, hypernyms, hyponyms, amphibolia
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For citation: Bouilov Vassili V. (2023).
On Some Difficulties in Translating Andrei Platonov’s Prose
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 17-27 (in USA)
Manuscript received 21/02/2023
Accepted for publication: 26/03/2023