DOI: DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10077
Abstract: The article is devoted to the issue of the communication sphere of everyday spoken dialogs based on the material of the contemporary Slovak language. In the introduction there is discussed the general characteristic features of everyday communication taking into account the places of utilisation and perspective orientation to the micro-situations of everyday life, especially to dialogs focused on the parallel I ‒ YOU, HERE, NOW. The most widespread aims of participants´ everyday communication are given in the next part. The predominant characters of oral speech is presented as well. In the main part, based on the several research methods (observation, description, analysis, interpretation), there are given the selected lexical and syntactic means of expressing everyday oral dialogs in the Slovak language environment. In conclusion there is a summary of investigated problems.
Keywords: communicate, communication, communication act, communication sphere,
everyday communication, everyday oral dialog, conversational syntax, oral speech
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Information about the author:
Jan Gallo (Nitra, Slovak republic) – PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Russian
Studies, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, 126 published articles. ORCID ID:
0000-0001-7113-9235; WOS Researcher ID: AAG-5493-2020. E-mail:
For citation: Gallo Jan, (2020).
On the Issue of Communication Sphere of Everyday
Spoken Dialogues (On the Material of Contemporary Slovak Language).
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol. 5 Issue 2 (2020), pp. 59-66 (in USA)