DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10083
Abstract: The paper outlines that ethics as a branch of philosophy is dealing continuously with the fundamental values of inner-human relations, studies the quality and the basis of the act or
behavior which by moral perspective are good, bad, appropriate or wrong. More over in the last
years we have witnessed that the world is facing new challenges and crisis in perception,
conditioned by the fast development of science and new advanced technologies. In this instance,
we in particular need to mention the information technology, which has become an integral part
of our daily life. Again, the role of ethics is consistent in suggesting the proper use of technologies and in determining the right direction for human society development. Technologies and computers continue to integrate in to the educational process and increasingly are becoming an integral part of the education system. This trend has begun to be extended to primary and secondary education, but currently it is expressed at the university level.
The paper underlines that the increasing public interest in ethics in professional life has
highlighted the centrality and significance of ethics across different domains of public life including professional Educational Psychology. However, how do these societal trends along with the resurgence of interest in professional Ethics manifest themselves within the context of a practical Educational Psychology service and specifically for Psychology in Educational Establishments?
What is the impact of the rapidly changing times on educational psychologists, the ethical issues
they encounter and their decision-making? What do Educational Psychologists perceive as
ethical issues in their practice? How do Educational Psychologists manage perceived ethical
issues? Moreover, how can an Educational organization support its academic-scholarly staff?
What support do Educational Psychologists want when faced with challenging situations?
The present paper follows the professional and ethical standards required of an educational scientist researcher and practicing qualified academic persons.
Keywords: Research Ethics, Ethical Issues, Educational Psychology, Technology Education,
Ethical Dilemma, Educational Psychologist, Information Technology
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Information about the authors:
Ibraim Didmanidze – Doctor of Information Technology, Associate Professor of Batumi Shota
Rustaveli State University (Georgia, Batumi, Ninoshvili Street 35, 6010)
Mobile Phone: (+995) 599 276 600
Zebur Beridze – Doctor of Information Technology, A Senior Lecturer of Batumi Shota Rustaveli
State University (Batumi, Ninoshvili Street 35, 6010)
Irma Bagrationi – Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor (in Philosophy) of Batumi Shota
Rustaveli State University (Georgia, Batumi, Ninoshvili Street 35, 6010)
Mobile Phone: (+995) 599 947 668
For citation: Didmanidze Ibraim, Berudze Zebur, Bagrationi Irma, (2020).
On Ethical Use of Information Technologies in Educational Psychology.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 114-125 (in USA)